
How To Find Cheap Designer Handbags Online?

Have you ever wanted to purchase authentic designer purses? Thought it was too expensive for your budget? Thought the brands for bags you were watching for were way out of your league? Well think again! With a little forethought and some virtual elbow grease, you can be toting that fabulous designer bag and make your friends jealous.

There is however a few things you need to be on the lookout for when going to shop for any designer purses. If the brands for bags you are searching for are not important (meaning you just care if it looks like the real thing), then just check out and search for the best pictures on the web. However, if you are like me, you will want the 'real deal'. Cheap designer handbags need to be sought out with care and an eye for the sites that are just trying to make a quick buck.

The very first thing you should look for in any designer's purse selection is the reviews that come with the site. This means you cannot start out simply by shopping with your eyes. You need to start doing a little research and start out by checking any reviews about the site you are buying from. The BBB (Better Business Bureau) is an excellent place to start. They even have a search box on their site specifically designed for online fraud.

The second thing you need to look out for when seeking out your brands for the bags you are looking for is the reputation of the seller themselves. Meaning, when you are shopping online at Amazon or EBay (two great places to start), you need to be aware of the seller's ratings. Just because you have your credit card out and are ready to buy some really fabulous cheap designer handbags doesn't mean that the seller is Amazon themselves.

Personally, I would not recommend buying from anyone who does not have at least a hundred positive reviews on either site. Now, if you are willing to receive knock off/garbage designer purses in the mail (or worse, loose all of your money outright), then stick with the sellers that have the highest rating.

As an added tip, check out the customers who have given the poor ratings first. Often, web sites will allow you to see any dialogue that went between the seller and buyer. This way, you can see if the individual actually cares about their online reputation. Definitely a plus!

Finally, you can try and purchase cheap designer handbags by using the buddy system (aka buying in bulk). That's right, while you may no longer be able to gloat to your friends since you'll be using their buying power as well, at least you can look great together.

Besides, you can broaden the brands and designs for all of the bags you are looking for. Check locally with department stores and second hand whole sellers. Ask if they need a tax ID number. This is a definite sign that they only sell to other businesses.
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